Friday, July 27, 2012

Kit's Story- #1: "The Diary"

Chapter ONE- June 19, 1934

I remember when my mom would tell me these stories when I was younger about how she wrote a diary. She told me about a page where a accident had happened when she was just eight, called the Titanic. It was this huge ship and thousands of people rode it, then it crashed into an iceberg, and almost all the people died and sank in the ocean. In 2012, it would be the hundredth year anniversary. I wonder if they'll have flying cars, and grocery markets where people have they're food scanned on tech stuff? Eh, I'll never know. She said people don't live forever, but some live to be one-hundred years old or more! But when my mom dies, in her will it'll say to dig up her diary. You see, my mom make a diary/memory book filled with pictures and pages and pages of her life when she was growing up, after she finished the last page she buried it in our backyard. She told me when I dig it up, to pass it down to my children, and my kid's kids, and then they'll pass it down to their kid's kids! But the book is pretty, old and the pages keep falling out. The spine of the book, is torn and the picture on the cover is ripped. But I hope it lasts and last forever and ever. Maybe I'll write my own diary about my life in the Great Depression. Kids and their families are really unable to do much, because we all grew poor, and for some people poorer! Even the richest man alive became broke! But we were right in between. We weren't rich, but not poor either. We have a one story house, and a Basset hound. I also have a one year old brother. My dad and mom are divorced, but I still love them, and ever since the Great Depression started my dad had to live with us and sleep on the couch, but every morning I go downstairs and but a chocolate chip cookie on his head. In my fourth grade class, my awesome teacher Miss Hills, said to leave a chocolate chip cookie and someone's forehead, it'll bring them good luck with the Great Depression. It seemed like a good idea, she say's it's a thing she did when she was younger called the "Cookie Fairy" you be the fairy, leave the cookie and someone has to guess who it is. So far, dad only guessed it was me once, but I know that he knows it's me.

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